Infrared Saunas

Far Infrared Saunas use safe and effective radiant heat which is similar to the sun’s warmth.  Gentle Infrared Radiant waves penetrate the bodies tissues, giving Sauna users many benefits such as temporarily decreasing inflammation, detoxification, increased metabolism, increased circulation, and Skin Purification. Paired with our Chromo-Light therapy, clients find our Infrared Sauna a truly positive and relaxing experience.

Pain Relief

Radiant heat Increases circulation and heart rate, causing the body to burn 300-600 calories with each session.

Weight loss-

Radiant heat Increases circulation and heart rate, causing the body to burn 300-600 calories with each session.

Skin Rejuvenation

Infrared heat relaxes facial tension, improves skin elasticity, and rinses bacteria from dermal layer.

Cardio workout

Increases heart rate, creating a mild workout for the heart. Regular use trains heart muscles improving heart rate/Cardiac output.


Infrared Saunas use lower temperatures stimulating deep sweat which eliminates toxins stored in fat and water sweat purging toxins from the dermal layer.

Sauna Pricing